Blogger at work

Challenge 2024

In order to have a successful Blog you need to be constant and regular.

I want to write this blog to bring a little something into your life, to become something like a friend someone you can count on.

That being said, or wrote, I intend to publish a blog post every 1st, 10th and 20th of every month. So by the end of the day on those dates you should get entertained for a few minutes.

On this January 10th 2024, I would like to share a few good addresses that inspires me and that have something to do with this decision. Food for brain and for the soul. with the price of restaurant these days ...

He's the list;

Seth Godin, Mister Blog himself, and so much more.

Seth's Blog

Seth as started blogging in 2003 and for more than 10 years everyday without missing. You have to discover him if you don't already know him.

He his doing so much that I suspect he owns a time travel machine. 

go check that video to know more, the achievements are too numerous to list


Austin Kleon, like he says on is page; he is a writer who draws,

Austin Kleon


If you are an artist, and even if your not, I highly recommend reading Steal like an Artist, it is a small book, unlike anything that exist, it's a must for every artist.

and his blog page is delightful and full of inspiration.


Sharon Fox Cranston, because I love her paintings and bold colourful style.

And because I kind of got the idea of bloging on a regular basis from her.

check out her blog and instagram page.


Sharon Fox Cranston blog


 and the best one for last

Titus Meeuws is painter from the Nederlands.He puts up a youtube video about his week every friday. He's an excellent watercolour and oil painters, he shares is week and his philosophy on life and being an artist, with no artifices or smoke screen. telling it just like it is. 


Titus Meeuws Youtube


 Ok this is it for now.

I hope you enjoy this short list.

Maybe I will find my way in someone's list on day, who knows.

See you on the 20th.


I'm leaving you today with this quote;

We shouldn't do the work because we feel like it. We feel like it because we do the work.  
- Seth Godin  




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